Sponsorship Application Form

    1. The Sponsee is obliged to fulfill the rights of the sponsor in accordance to the type of sponsorship package chosen.
    2. The Sponsor agrees to provide sponsorships in the form of Cash or Bank Transfer payable to the Sponsee 3 weeks
      before the event at the latest.
    3. Where one party is unable to carry out its obligations under this agreement due to circumstances beyond its control
      or which it could not have prevented, those obligations are suspended whilst those circumstances continue, provided the
      other party is notified and the first party uses its best endeavors to overcome the circumstances preventing its obligations
      from being carried out.
    4. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall not be disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of
      both parties.
    5. The rights of either party under this agreement shall not be transferable or assignable either in whole or in part.
    6. All sponsorship pledges are to be paid at least 30 days prior to event date.
    7. Sponsorship packages are non-refundable and non-transferable to future events.
    8. Sponsor stalls provided are to be used for promotion only and not for sales unless a prior agreement is entered
      into with the organising committee.

    Payment Options:

    Direct Deposit or Internet Transfer

    Account Name: Eid Festival ltd

    BSB: 065 155

    Account No.: 1097 9936

    Bank: Commonwealth Bank